Make your own mouthwash

Found this little gem in How it All Vegan, a vegan cookbook by Tanya Barnard and Sarah Kramer, and having tested it out, I can tell you that it does just the same amount of fresh, clean mintifying as the $5 store brands:

"Tea Tree - Peppermint Mouthwash": 1 1/2 cup water, 6 drops tea tree oil, 6 drops peppermint essential oil.
Pour water and oils into a clean, dry container. Cap tightly and shake well. Rinse mouth out, but DO NOT SWALLOW.

There's a whole great section in that book about veganism in household products, and has tons of other useful recipes like for shampoo, toothpaste, hot oil rinse, dandruff treat ment, bath slats, face scrub, skin toner, lip gloss. It's really a useful book, and that section in particular is the one I consult the most. Definitely see if your library has a copy on hand!


crystal said...

What a great recipe, I am going to try it! thanks for sharing :)

Rachel and Fatima said...

Thanks crystal! Let me know how you get on with it!

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