Moving: A success and two recs!

We've moved successfully and so you can look forward to your regular LastPenny updates again!

The move went really well, and that was in large part due to the wonderful moving company we employed.

We used Matamata Furniture Movers, who gave us an absolutely excellent price. They brought their very large truck and trailer for our load (which was very large!) but due to the wonderful packing skills of Gary they got everything in the truck alone.

They got us loaded in record time, and everything made the trip safely - except the keys to the desk and the china cabinet which I've put somewhere *safe*. I expect to find them around 2011...

I got in touch with Matamata Movers, (who work nation-wide) or rather they got in touch with me, via Backload Movers, a wonderful website I blogged about back here. Suffice it to say I can't recommend Matamata Movers or Backload Movers enough!

The only minor hiccup was that Gary couldn't get any staff to help unload at our new property. But we fixed that via *another* LastPenny trick! We called up Massey's Student Job Search, and they sent two wonderful young guys out to help. They arrived within 45 minutes of our call and did an hour's work each, and at the end of that time we were unloaded! (Gary and I had done a good bit before they arrived).

Student Job Search, for those not in the know, is a service for students who are looking to earn some extra cash. You can list anything from skilled, ongoing part-time jobs to one-off casuals like what we did, and every time I've used them, I've been eminently satisfied.

It's a great way to find affordable assistance with projects, whether it's household cleaning, gardening, removals, or office work such as data entry or phone-manning.


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